Grace E is our first and only grandchild/granddaughter.  She has changed our lives in so many ways.  It is because of Gracie that I decided to publish my poems.  I also took to task the job of ‘illustrating’ for ‘Grandma’s Stories’.  I am certainly not an illustrator but I had fun doing them.  

The picture on the front of the book is of Gracie sitting at our fireplace reading a book.  I took that picture and absolutely love it.  It is my hope that when Gracie grows up, she will know that she was my inspiration to publish my books and just how much her Grandma loves her.

This book is dedicated to Grace E

There are seven poems in ‘Grandma’s Stories’ and there are simple illustrations.


This is the first poem in this book.

‘Stewert, The Little Spider’

There once was a spider, who lived in a tree,
A nice little fellow, not the least bit creepy
His Mom called him Stewert,  she was very proud,
He was a nice spider, not rowdy or loud

He helped her with chores,
and kept busy all day,
And when he was done,
he would go out and play

He watched as his friends,
spun such intricate art,
And so he decided,
a web he would start

His friends pointed out,
a great spot he could choose,
It was such a good spot,
one that Stewert could use

So he worked and he worked,
and he spun and he spun,
And he never knew this,
could be so very fun

Now his web he had finished,
and his Mom had to see,
She climbed out of her spot,
near the top of the tree

As she looked at his web,
with a grin on her face,
He had done a great job,
and had picked a great place

A crowd now had gathered,
and such praises were made,
As Stewert hung proud,
in his web in the shade

The intricate pattern,
and specific detail,
So delicately woven,
such design cannot fail

If you look very carefully,
you just might see,
Stewert’s signature woven,
in his web in the tree